After our quick Paris trip, we hopped on a train (you guys, the trains in France are so amazing. I’ve never been much of a mass transportation kind of girl, but the convenience and speed of it all, I can’t even tell you how great it is) and headed to visit Ruchir.  You might remember Ruchir as our trip hero from my earlier post. Well once again, he came through for us with open arms, letting us settle right in and embracing us like family.

Ruchir lives in gorgeous chateau in Saint-Antoine-de-Breuilh, a tiny little town about 50 minutes from Bordeaux. I won’t write too much about it all, but I will say that Nora immediately fell in love with it as home. She bonded with Ruchir’s daughter, who is three years old, right away, even telling me once, “You know, Mom, sometimes it is hard being a big sister.” ❤️❤️

I think living there for the month or so we did, was exactly what Nora needed.  She took to “farm life” immediately. Within the first 48 hours, Nora was an expert goat herder and egg collector, leading me to wonder just where in the world her country genes come from. Certainly not her mom and dad!  

In a way, it was just what we needed too. Ruchir’s house is full of kind, caring people (I can’t even tell you how well they treat and care for Nora💗) who became like a quick little family for us. We fell into a little daily routine that always culminated with us sitting out at night drinking wine under the stars. Ruchir has created a little slice of heaven for himself and his family and we are so lucky to get to share in it with him.

Here are some pictures from our stay: 

Nora took up badminton after a visit to a neighboring chateau where she realized it’s something that people that who own gorgeous French chateaus do (yeah, good luck with that sister).

Dinners overlooking the Dordogne.

Farm life:

Horseback riding lessons:

Village markets:

From the second I told Ruchir about our little French sabbatical plan, he always said that we would just live with him the whole time.  You can see why this is so very tempting and I know one little 5 year old who would be thrilled.  For now, Ruchir’s house has become our temporary home base.  A little taste of family while we travel. Even if it is “hard” being a big sister sometimes.  
Categories: France


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