After Arcachon, we headed back to St. Aulaye, where we are staying with Ruchir.  But just for a few days before heading back out on the road.  We stayed long enough for:

1. Nora to get sick.

Poor kiddo. She crawled into our bed in the middle of the night burning up.  Luckily it ran its course within 24 hours, but I’m not going to lie, having a sick kid in a foreign country where you don’t have a doctor and you don’t speak the language gets a mom feeling all the mom feelings. 
2. Paul and I to celebrate our 9 year wedding anniversary.   Man, time flies when you’re having fun with the one you love! Y’all know how sappy I can get about this guy.  He is truly my partner in every way and there is no one I can imagine living this life with other than him. Suffice it to say, he makes everything better and I am one happy lady. 

We were lucky enough to get an adults only date night out to celebrate, so we headed over to St. Emilion for the night.  
We started at at cozy little bar, Sous la Robe, with champs and cheese. 

Then we headed over to dinner at L’Atelier de Candace for a fantastic dinner. I had a variation of truffle carbonara and had to be rolled out of the restaurant to the car.  It was a great night with my great man. 

3. A visit with a friend from home. 
By pure coincidence, my former boss and forever friend, Angie, was in St. Emilion on a work trip and we got to meet up with her for dinner and post-dinner drinks.  I absolutely cannot explain how good this night was for my heart. 

4. A birthday party at the Chateau.  Ruchir’s daughter turned 3 this week and we had a big birthday party for her complete with swimming and bouncy houses and a gorgeous rainbow cake. It was fun having lots of kids around and I think everyone had a good time. 
5. Me to get sick.  It had to happen. It was pretty much unavoidable with Nora sick breathing in my face for 24 hours earlier in the week. I spent a full day sleeping in bed. But luckily, just like her big, mine was gone the next day.  
It was such a full week!  And somewhere in there Paul said to me, “We should go on another trip. I hear Pau is cool.”
And just like that we were packing our bags again. 
Categories: FranceMisc.


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