As I sit comfortably on the train back to France (y’all, the trains!) after our month-long, five cities, and six Airbnb stays adventure, I’m reflecting on all of the things we gained (lbs!) along the way and a few of the things we missed. 
First, let me start by saying that we’ve had an awesome experience traveling for a month through southwest France and then exploring northern Spain. Our trip has been incredible and we’ve stayed in some great places along the way. But it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t do just a little complaining, right??
One thing you should know is that we are avid AirBnB users.  It is very rare that we choose a hotel over a rented house.  This is for several reasons, the biggest being that we have a kid.  I don’t know about you but I like to get my kid down to sleep as early as possible.  Now, like to and actually do are two separate things, but still, it’s good to have goals. Anyway, being a couple with a kid, staying in a hotel makes life after bedtime a little difficult. I can tell you from experience that watching TV on the phone while drinking wine from plastic cups in a hotel bathtub isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.  Renting houses has always been our answer. Being able to give Nora her own room or at least having one bed that is separate from the rest of the house, gives us the freedom to enjoy our evenings as adults.  Which, as you know, usually means sitting next to one another staring at our phones with a glass of wine in hand while the TV plays in the background.  But hey, at least we aren’t hiding in a bathroom. Another big reason we favor AirBnB rentals (and, of course, you can substitute any home rental website in here. I’ll just refer to AirBnB because it’s what we most commonly use), is the joy of cooking.  Okay, okay, if you know me, you know joy isn’t exactly how I would describe my time in the kitchen, but I do find happiness in saving a little money when we travel.  Three meals out a day can really add up and I’d rather spend money on a great place to stay or a great experience than an overpriced and often underwhelming breakfast or lunch. Having a full kitchen allows us to save money by eating chosen meals at home. Don’t get me wrong, I still love a good restaurant experience complete with appetizers and desserts and all the good stuff, but cooking a meal or two at home allows us to indulge in those splurges a little more guilt-free. 
Alright, enough about our home rental love.  Let’s move on to the things I haven’t loved. Below is a little list of all the things I’ve missed while we’ve moved town to town, apartment to apartment.  
Full sized showers 
Oof. If you could have seen some of the postage-sized showers I’ve contorted myself into over this last month. Look, I get it, space is at a premium here and tubs and duel head showers just don’t fit into these little apartments, but man, have you ever tried to shave your legs in glass box that isn’t much bigger than the span of your body cheek-to-cheek?  All I can say is thank goodness for all of those years of gymnastics leading to my superb balance and flexibility!  The positions I have hit this month trying to achieve a smooth(ish) leg would put some cirque performers to shame.  Of course, there were many failed attempts resulting in what I can only describe as legs polka-dotted with fresh bloody razor cuts. Nora took to daily pointing in astonishment and asking “another one?!?” Yes, kid, another one.  Maybe think twice before you decide to buy into the Western idea of silky smooth legs from tip to toe, okay?? Man, what I wouldn’t give to see a tub/combo shower one of these days. My Band-Aid budget is getting to be a little excessive. 
Garbage disposals 
Add this to the list of things I never thought twice about and now view as a total luxury. Why does no one here have a garbage disposal?!  Do they not have kids who beg for breakfast cereal only to leave it sitting and soggy floating in a bowl of milk?? Everyday when I’m trying to scoop leftover Fruit-O’s or Choco-loco or whatever weird brand of cereal I’ve found in the supermarket (don’t get me started on the supermarket) into a tiny little trashcan under the sink, I think of how good I had it back in the states when I could just dump all our leftover bits right down the sink and flip a little switch and adios, away it went.  Do me a favor, today when you’re doing your dishes, say a little prayer for me. 
You guys, line-dried laundry is not a thing of the past. It is alive and well over here. Every apartment you pass will have the inhabitants’ shorts, shirts, and socks hanging out the window blowing in the breeze.  It seems to be a way of life over here. But OMG I am dying for a dryer.  Hell, I would totally take one of those impossibly small wager/dryer combos now.  Anything to avoid me filling my kitchen (because yes, that’s where most washers are found) with our wet unmentionables hoping they’ll dry before it’s time to cook breakfast.  Just yesterday Paul had to pull a pair of panties hanging off the faucet before filling the pot to boil eggs.  Fun times.  
Ice Makers
Yes, I realize that this is a little ridiculous, but y’all, I was spoiled for years with scoopable sonic style ice.  Now I have no ice!  Sure, it’s a tiny little inconvenience and one that really makes me look like a spoiled brat, but hey, it’s my blog and I’ll whine if I want to.  
Now this may be the one thing that actually prevents me from committing to permanent residence over here.  Air conditioning is literally not a thing.  Y’all, I’m from Texas! Air conditioning is simply not optional.  Even as someone who throws on a sweater as soon as the temperature drops below 80 degrees, I still want my A/C!!  Let me feel and hear that cold air blowing even while I’m wearing sweatpants and buried under 13 throw blankets. I need my air conditioning!  And, while I’m at it, no one has ever heard of a ceiling fan over here either?? Are we really expected to spend our nights in still silence as we try to sleep?!?  Why yes, yes, apparently we are.  
So, do you feel bad for me yet? Are you not in tears thinking about my struggle?  Yeah, well on average a glass of wine at a restaurant runs me $2, so I guess I would say the good outweighs the bad.  
Categories: Misc.


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