Bonne Annee!!  Happy 2022.

Wishing you all a happy new year.  Hoping that the upcoming year is magical and full of joy. We all deserve that, right?  

In the name of a new year and a new start, I”ve decided to make some resolutions for 2022.  And, in the name of oversharing with the whole world (or the nine people who read this), I figured I might as well share them here.  

1. Structure – Back in my previous (non-travel) life, my life was extremely structured.  I woke up at the same time each morning, worked out, worked, mommed, worked some more, and went to bed every day over and over.  Between our regular, full-time jobs and the multiple side jobs we kept going at all times, our days were jam-packed.  Hell, our minutes were jam-packed.  When we made this move, I deliberately ditched the structure.  I decided I would wake up whenever I felt like it, I would go to sleep whenever I felt like it, and I would pretty much just do whatever/whenever I felt like it.  I”m sure I needed this at the time.  It was nice sleeping until after the sun came up (something I haven”t done in years).  It was nice having the break from scheduling (over-scheduling in our case).  But, you know what I”ve discovered? I like structure.  I need structure.  I”m ready for a schedule.  I”ve noticed lately that my days have started to feel wasted.  It”s almost like without a plan, or schedule, to stick to, I”ve lost the motivation to really do anything.  So in 2022, I”m going back to a more structured/scheduled life.

2. Writing – I”m SO far behind in my writing and it makes me crazy.  Between updating this blog and my daily journaling, I”m constantly feeling like a failure.  Y”all I”m two and a half months behind on keeping you all in the loop on our adventures.  I feel like I can”t capture what this trip has really been like because by the time I”ve sat down to write about it, I”ve forgotten about it.  So from now on, I”m dedicating at least half an hour every day to writing.  I know, I know, I”m sure you”re dying of excitement.  

3. Sleep – Pretty sure I”m the first person to ever say that their New Year”s resolution is to sleep less.  But there you have it folks, I want to wake up earlier.  I guess this goes a little along with the whole structure thing, but I”m sick of feeling like days are passing me by.  I want all the available hours to soak in this year.  My biggest regret is going home at the end of this and not feeling like we made the absolute most of this trip.

4. Experience – In going along with that last line, I”m resolving to experience more.  I”m sure that sounds crazy coming from the lady who quit her job and moved to France with her family.  But, let me tell you, it”s easy to get lazy and fall into old habits.  This year is supposed to be the year for our family and there are plenty (too many) days where I look around and realize we are doing the same things we did, just in a different city.  Some of that is my fault.  Like I said, the days have a way of getting away from you.  And to be fair, I have a way of letting them.  First, I need to put down the phone more.  I need to really be present and experience whatever it is we are doing.  Even if it”s playing “sisters” or Nora”s new favorite game, “hotel.” Side note – why is imagination play so hard??  Second, I need to keep my family motivated to keep seeking out new experiences.  We want to see new places and do new things.  We just have to keep those goals in site as we go forward in this new year.

5. Alcohol – Okay, so I didn”t include this one in my original post.  While it is one of my personal new year”s resolutions to drink less alcohol, I didn”t put it out there because I wasn”t sure how it would be received.  I didn”t want people worrying or judging.  But then I woke up this morning and felt like I wasn”t being real if I didn”t put it out there.  So here it is.  I would like to drink less in 2022.  You know how when you”re on vacation you are like “Yes, I would like a mimosa for breakfast,” or “Absolutely a glass of wine sounds great with lunch,” or “what bottle should we order with dinner?”  Well, imagine taking a year-long “vacation” in one of the world”s most famous wine regions….yeah, that”s what it”s like all the time.  I know the idea of too much alcohol is a trigger for a lot of people and I”m not saying that I need to give it up or have a problem or anything like that.  Just that, like over-sleeping, I”ve taken the whole relaxation thing a bit too far and maybe it”s time for a bit more self-control in 2022.  

I know resolutions are a bit cringy or cheugy or whatever cool people are saying these days, but honestly, I think it”s good to have goals.  It”s good to set your intentions.  And I intend to make 2022 a great year.

Okay, so now that I”ve shared mine.  What are yours?  What do you want for yourself in this new (and hopefully, better) year? And how are you planning on getting there?  I”d love to hear from you.

Categories: FranceMisc.


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