I know I’ve been missing in action over here lately.  I promise I’m coming back.  I have so many more adventures I want to share with you.  But we recently moved back to the states and getting settled in and (re)starting our new/old lives has taken more time and energy than I had expected.  And to be honest with you, I’ve had trouble sitting down to write about our year abroad for fear that it will sink in that it’s really over.
I’m sure I’ll be expanding on this in the very near future, but I’m feeling very conflicted about being back.  It’s been wonderful spending time with all our beloved friends and family who we missed so very much while we were gone. But I also wake up every morning missing our travel-life.  I miss all (ALL!) of the family-time.  I miss the unfamiliar.  I miss discovering new cities and countries and cultures and I miss doing it all together.  In some ways, being back here feels like we never left and in other ways, it feels so changed.  No, that’s not right.  It doesn’t feel changed.  I feel changed.  It’s strange though, I feel like the changed me is still back in Europe and this Houston-me is over here feeling just a little incomplete and lost.  Don’t get me wrong.  I’m not unhappy being back here.  I’m just unsettled.  I’m missing…
Categories: Misc.


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