Shortly after the New Year we decided to pack up and going on a little “family” group ski vacation in Verbier, Switzerland to celebrate a couple of birthdays (including Paul’s).

This was my first time in Switzerland (wowza is all I can say for the Swiss alps!) and Nora’s second time on the slopes. I was anxious to see how she would do. Leading up to the trip she kept bragging to everyone that she had “been skiing before” and that she “totally knows how to ski.” I didn’t really have it in me to burst her little bubble, but she’d only been skiing once before when she was 3 and she basically cried every day or slept through half her classes. She absolutely did not know how to ski and more importantly, based on her last attempt, she didn’t even really like it. But she seemed excited (and oddly confident) for this go-round, so who was I to say anything??
Well, turns out this little girl knew what she was talking about! She can ski!

Nora with her ski instructor.

After two days in ski school, Nora was dominating the big kid slope (button lift and all). She was so great. Everyday after her lesson, we would go up and do runs together. And by together I mean, I would just be getting off the lift and she would already be cruising down the slope in front of me. At one point, she turned to me and said, “I ski so fast!” Yes, yes you do baby.
You would have to have known Nora to know how happy all of this made me. Nora is a wonderful, kind, funny kid. But she had always been on the timid side. Watching her take to ski school and skiing with no fear was rewarding for me in ways that only other parents could understand.
Other highlights from our ski trip:
We celebrated two birthdays on the trip with fun nights out in town.
The look of a 47-year old birthday boy.
Birthday dinner with my love.
Dinner celebrations with our little French Framily.
Apres Ski
Okay, this probably isn’t shocking, but this is, hands down, my favorite part of skiing.  
We’ve been doing this together for more years that I’d like to say, and it still makes me happy!
Apres Ski with a view!
Quad Rides
Apparently this trip was the trip when Nora decided she had no fears.

The Views

Holy cow to the Swiss Alps.  More about those beauties in future posts.
Categories: Switzerland


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