​We aren’t always adventuring about from city to city/country to country.  Sometimes life is slow and steady in the Dordogne. I thought I would try to capture some of what we’ve done in the in-between times. 

Play areas:

Play parks.  Kids around the world flock to these places.
Why must these exist all over the world?  Are you with me parents?  I can’t get enough hand sanitizer on her when we are here.

The Bordeaux Carnival.

Complete with Nora’s first roller coaster ride.

Notice who is not on board…

Date night:

You guys, if I could remember the name of this restaurant, I would 100% make you all go there.  With every course they brought at least two bottles of wine to the table…and left them there!  It was a six course meal.  Which explains why I don’t remember the name.


Okay, we do a lot of baking.  What can I say?  It’s my go-to in avoiding imagination play.  As soon as Nora says, “let’s play pretend,” I say, “anyone in the mood for some chocolate chip cookies??”  Which may explain why another activity we’ve been up to during the in-between is shopping….for new jeans.


The absolute best.  Nothing has made me feel more American and right at home then a visit to the local (well local-ish) bowling alley! 

Science experiments:

So help me if she watches (and then demands to recreate) another Ryan’s World experiment….
If I’m being honest, I have to admit that when we aren’t traveling, I have about 5 days in me before I start to get really anxious.  I can just hear the tick, tick, ticking of our one-year clock and I start feeling like we are wasting this very precious time.  But, it’s nice looking back through these memories and realizing that our downtime isn’t wasted.  It’s full of special memories.  Even if I can’t fit into my old clothes because Nora keeps suggesting imagination play!
Categories: France


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