One of my favorite trips so far has been one of our shortest trips so far.  Spoiler alert – there was wine.

La Rioja, Spain.  Now, for this one we owe a special shout out to Paul’s best friend, Keith.  Keith works in the wine industry (no this is not why they are best friends, but it doesn’t hurt) and when he found out we were heading to Spain, he called in a favor from his friend at Vivanco, a winery and the best wine museum.  

We met John at the museum for a tour.  You guys, if you get out to Spain, carve a little time out to tour this museum.  It’s seriously impressive.  If I’m going to be honest with you, and you know I am, when Paul told me we were visiting a wine museum, I was a little less than excited.  You see, I’m a winery kind of girl, and really what I mean is a wine tasting kind of girl, and what I really mean is, I like to go to wineries and order a glass of wine and sit and look at vines and drink said glass of wine.  But this place was really, really cool.  Even with a 6-year-old in tow, we had a great experience on the tour.  It didn’t hurt that John, our tour-guide, and eventual friend, was great.  And it doubly didn’t hurt that we ended with drinks, overlooking the vineyards (and a playground).

After our visit, we drove to Logrono and checked into our AirBnB.  It was a really modern, spacious apartment.  Nora’s favorite thing was the swing in the living room.  She would have been happy to stay in the apartment and swing all day.  Unfortunately, the internet at the apartment was down and that became a real problem later on.  
Later that evening, our new friend (and honorary Logrono guide) met us at the apartment to take us out for an evening on the town.  I can tell you this is one of my favorite nights in all of our trip so far.  John first took us on a little historical tour of the town (if he isn’t already, he should be an ambassador) and then we went out for a stroll of pintxos and wine.  Do you want to have delicious food, good wine, and a fun time?  Go to Logrono!!  We each put $10 into the “pot” and set off to pintxos spot after spot and ate and drank the night away on that.  John even had some friends join us and we fell into a great little group.  I have to admit, I didn’t realize how much we missed going out with friends until we were doing it.  The night was such a gift.  

A gift we paid for the next day.  Whoopsy.  The adults were definitely slow moving the next day.  We had only booked our Airbnb for two nights, so we were scrambling to find somewhere to go and somewhere to stay.  Apparently the next day was the National Day of Spain, which is a big holiday and we were having a ton of trouble finding anywhere to stay.  We finally settled on a beach stay in Santander, Spain (more on that trip coming up) and we headed off on a walk to lunch.  We found a great spot along the river, El Embarcadaro, complete with a little onsite playground.  It was definitely a hangover meal: hamburger, spaghetti, croquettes, and french fries, which while it sounds kind of random, turned out to be a pretty good combination. 

Have you ever seen someone so excited to eat??

From there we walked to a little science museum.  They had a little exhibit on healthful eating (not a hit) and a big mathematics exhibit.  We played around there for the awhile and then sat at an outdoor cafe snacking on potato chips and wine and beer.  Then, it was time to head back to the apartment for dinner at home (I picked up empanadas for the family) and our last night’s sleep in Logrono, Spain.

The next day, we left for Santandar.  On the way, we found a hiking trail (Tolono) and decided to stop.  I wish I could tell you we are a good hiking family, but we are not.  We are never appropriately prepared and one of us (the shortest one), without fail has to pee or poop one mile in.  She also demands to be carried the whole time and generally complains about hating it until we give in and give up.  And yet, we refuse to learn.
Payback for b%tching about the hike the whole time.
Categories: Spain


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