We landed in Paris on August 4th. This was my first ever visit to the City of Lights. It was a short trip as we were only staying for two full days. 

After landing, we checked into our hotel, the Helzear Champs Elysees Suites.  While writing this I asked Nora what her favorite thing about Paris was and she told me, “our apartment,” so the hotel clearly comes highly recommended. It was tiny (totally expected in Paris), but it had an upstairs loft (for Nora) and a foldout full sized bed downstairs (for us), with a small kitchenette. It had everything we needed. 

After checking in, we went for a walk. Our hotel was right around the corner from the Arc de Triomphe.  They were in the process of preparing to wrap the Arc (the Arc was wrapped in silvery fabric as part of a temporary art installation after we left), but it was still cool to see an iconic landmark.

After our walk, we found a little Lebanese restaurant (as one does when they get to France). Nora still talks about that dinner and how much she loved the lemonade (probably because it’s been impossible to find regular lemonade since then, but that’s a rant for another day). 

The next day we went walking. We spent a lot of time being very touristy.  We hit up the Lourve where silliness got the best of us. I have to admit here that we did not go in. While I know it’s an absolute must see, I also have a 5 year old daughter who had just flown across the globe leaving behind her friends and family. I was not going to subject her to a museum that day, so we settled for funny pictures outside.  Side note, she still sticks her finger up like that when I’m trying to take her picture (she’s not exactly clear on the concept). 

Categories: France


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