As I sit on my couch in Pau, France, six weeks in on our one-year sabbatical adventure, staring out at our amazing cathedral view, a thought pops into mind – How DID we get here?

It’s a question I think many of our friends and family have asked.  Just exactly how (and why) did we get here?!?  Well, I guess it’s probably best to start at the beginning. 

One of the first questions we would get asked when we told people what we were doing was, “why?” Followed by “why France?” The short answer is – we just both independently decided it was something we wanted to do (and then confirmed that together we wanted the same thing) and we picked France because it was part of a short list of countries we were interested in and had the easiest visa process of all of them.

The long answer isn’t really any different, but I will expand for the sake of the blog.   I remember that not long after Nora was born I randomly and secretly became a little obsessed with long term family travel. I started following blogs and Instagram accounts of families who were world travelers.  I began to dream of life on the a road. But I kept my dreams to myself. I was sure that Paul would think I was crazy if I shared my idea of taking our new little family on the road.  After all, we had just torn our house to the studs and built it back to fit our new family with our BRAND NEW baby.   Plus, I had imagined, Paul had already rid himself of the long term travel bug. He had taken time off after college to  Writing it now, maybe I was a little crazy.  Or a lot crazy.  

I don’t remember how many months went by, maybe even a year.  I just remember that one night we were laying in bed and out of nowhere Paul said, “We should take a year off and travel.” Boom. Bam. No long drawn out conversations trying to convince someone. No lists of pros and cons. No back and forth. Just an immediate, albeit   impulsive, decision that this is what we were going to do.  

And then we did. 


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